Lost and Found

Once upon a time, many years ago, I was connected to everything. I was so connected that I could talk to the trees, I knew what others were feeling and I could anticipate what they were going to do. I could feel the beat of the music a split second before I heard it and could wish for something and watch it appear within a few days. Maybe not in the form I anticipated, but it was there non the less.

Then, one day, it all disappeared. Or at least it seemed that way. I’m not sure if it was because I couldn’t take the emotional turmoil around me or if it was from the pain and shame, I felt from being abused. Either way, I had lost myself and have spent the rest of my life desperately trying to find my way back.

I had secrets. As a matter of fact, my whole life was a secret. There were things you just didn’t talk about. I never told my parent anything. Especially because I didn’t trust them. That’s not to say they weren’t good parents, they were, but they had their own set of issues, of which we didn’t talk about. I didn’t talk to my siblings or friends either because I didn’t want anyone to know my secrets, I was ashamed and didn’t want to get in trouble for doing something that I wasn’t supposed to be doing.

I felt desperate for a connection like I had before but, turned to the wrong places or people to find it. This led me down a path of more secrets. Secrets were my kryptonite. They robbed me of my own power and potential. They took everything that was good away from me and left me feeling empty.

Until one day in the midst of my emptiness, I found a memory, that led me to a feeling. I followed this feeling down a path that led me back to the trees. Every day I would focus on this feeling and build on it until I had a solid foundation. Brick by brick I would build on my foundation. Day after day, month after month, year after year, until the day came that I was so strong that there was no force that could ever take me away from me.

I had finally come full circle. Free from secrets and walls that bind and into the knowledge and mastery of healing self which led to the power to help others heal too. Healing is easy once you know how and since I’ve done the groundwork, all you have to do is follow the path. I guarantee this is the best path you will ever walk down.